March 18, 2009

Premio Dardos Award

This blog has received a Premio Dardos award!

The Hammer House of Horror Blog bestowed the award (thank you, Holger!), which is given out by bloggers to blogs. You can read more about the awards in Holger's blog piece; he did the research on what they are and how they work.

It's nice to have some recognition. Although this blog is only a couple of months old, it is an extension of my website, which has been going for about six years now. A lot of work went into that, with contributions from many people, some of whom still pass along any Modesty snippets they find, and many of those end up in this blog, so... it's a group effort. Thanks to all the contributors!

Now I am starting to sound like a rambling Oscar award winner, so before I start thanking my parents and everyone I ever met...

Premio Dardos award recipients can then give the award to another blog (or blogs; some 'rules' say up to 5, some say up to 15.) I think 15 starts would start turning the award into a chain letter, so here are four that I think truly deserve this award:

Bear Alley Blog - dedicated to comics and comic art
Spy Vibe - what is says. Plus, it's a visual treat.
The Drowning Machine - book reviews and interviews
The Bookshelf Muse - a user's guide for writing fiction



Angela Ackerman said...

Thanks very much for the award! We're glad the blog is helping writers.

Steve said...

Wow! Only a couple of months old and already an award winner!


When you mentioned thanking your parents, I laughed and could picture you be lead off the stage while trying to get those last few thank yous out....

Corey Wilde said...

Thanks so much for the award. I'm always amazed anyone pays any attention at all.

Modesty Blaise said...

OMG, is that a baby BUNNY in your hand? You must let me know...
(being a bunny-owner)